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Our Affiliates


GreenSeas Trust is a marine conservation charity, stopping plastics entering the seas.
The charity was founded in 2003 by Fazilette Khan, a seagoing officer in the merchant navy, who having
witnessed the degradation of pristine environments from plastics, decided to do something about it.

Education is the heart of all GreenSeas Trust projects. The BinForGreenSeas educates in a big, bold and unmissable way!

Sited throughout the UK, the BinForGreenSeas is a recycling bin for plastics. Graphics on it compels onlookers to confront the harmful effects of plastic waste on marine life, the environment and food chain. The BinForGreenSeas helps people make the connection between their own single-use plastic consumption and the impact this has on our environment.

The eye-catching design and tagline - Throw Marine Life a Lifeline, encourages people to throw their plastic bottles in the bin, not the sea.

With every square mile of ocean estimated to contain 46,000 pieces of floating plastic, only through spreading awareness can we ever hope to bring that number down.

Since education is in the DNA of GreenSeas Trust, they undertake visits to schools to teach young students about the marine litter problem, the value of recycling and the environmental issues surrounding plastic waste.

With 4 trillion cigarette butts in the ocean, GreenSeas Trust's Butt Nothing project educates beach-goers, of the fact that cigarette butt filters are made of cellulose acetate fibres (a plastic) which does not degrade. Cigarette butt filters also contain toxins such as carcinogenic chemicals, pesticides, and nicotine which leach into the marine environment and poison microbes, insects and fish, or suffocate marine wildlife.

Read more about the work of Green Seas Trust and how you can get involved - click here.

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